Hybrid Multi-Target Distributed Reconnaissance (AWS)
This page details the AWS implementation of Hybrid Multi-Target Distributed Reconnaissance, which leverages various AWS services to perform efficient and scalable reconnaissance across multiple targets.
For the GCP implementation, see the Hybrid Multi-Target (GCP) page.
Architecture Overview
High-level Architecture Overview

Overall architecture showing the integration of AWS services for hybrid multi-target reconnaissance
Phase 1: Initial Port Discovery

First pass ECS tasks performing parallel port discovery across multiple targets
Phase 2: Detailed Port Analysis

Second pass ECS tasks performing detailed scans on discovered open ports
Workflow Overview
Phase 1: Port Discovery
1. Initiation
- Heph4estus triggers the Producer application
- Producer reads targets from targets.txt and partitions the port ranges for each target
- Producer invokes Step Functions to orchestrate the scan
2. Discovery Scan Setup
- Step Functions publishes messages to SQS with target information and port partitions
- Each message contains instructions for a preliminary scan with -T1 speed setting
- ECS tasks are launched to process these messages
3. Initial Scanning
- Multiple ECS containers run in parallel (shown as Tasks 1-6)
- Each container scans a specific partition of ports for its assigned target
- Tasks 1-3 scan different port ranges for target1, while Tasks 4-6 scan for target2
- These are quick scans designed to identify which ports are open
4. Result Storage
- Scan results are uploaded to S3
- The results contain information about which ports were found open in each partition
Phase 2: Detailed Analysis
1. Results Processing
- A Lambda function processes the S3 scan results
- It extracts the list of open ports found during the discovery phase
- The open ports are saved to DynamoDB for structured storage and easy retrieval
2. Second Scan Preparation
- Another Lambda function reads the open ports from DynamoDB
- It generates new scan configurations focused only on the open ports
- The configurations are sent back to Step Functions
3. Detailed Scanning
- Step Functions creates new SQS messages for deeper scans
- These scans target only the previously discovered open ports with more comprehensive options
- ECS launches a second wave of containers
- Each container now performs a more thorough scan on just one target's open ports
4. Monitoring and Error Handling
- CloudWatch monitors the entire process
- Comprehensive logging captures any failures for troubleshooting
- The architecture includes error handling for both scanning phases