
Before you can use Heph4estus, you'll need to ensure your environment meets the following requirements.

Important Notes

  • This project is designed for legitimate security testing only. Ensure you have permission to scan the targets.
  • Scan costs depend on the number and duration of scans run.
  • The default configuration launches Fargate tasks with 0.25 vCPU and 0.5GB memory.
  • Max concurrency at the moment is 10 ECS Tasks.

Software Requirements

Go 1.21+

Required for building and running the producer/consumer applications.

Download Go


Required for building and pushing container images.

Install Docker

Terraform 1.0+

Required for deploying the infrastructure.

Install Terraform


Configured with appropriate credentials and permissions.

Install AWS CLI

AWS Account Requirements

You'll need an AWS account with permissions to create and manage the following resources:

  • Amazon ECR repositories
  • Amazon ECS clusters and tasks
  • AWS Step Functions state machines
  • Amazon S3 buckets
  • Amazon SQS queues
  • IAM roles and policies
  • VPC, subnets, and security groups

System Requirements

Heph4estus is designed to run on modern systems with the following specifications:

  • Operating System: Linux, macOS, or Windows with WSL
  • RAM: 4GB minimum (8GB recommended)
  • Storage: 1GB of free disk space
  • Internet Connection: Stable broadband connection

Next Steps

Once you've confirmed that your environment meets these requirements, you can proceed to the How to Run It guide to set up and run Heph4estus.